Produced by Create One in association with RTÉ and ARTE, devised by historian, Frank Callanan and directed by Ruán Magan, “100 Years of Ulysses”, sets out on the 100th anniversary of Ulysses’ publication, to unlock one of most impregnatable and explosive books of modern times. Featuring interviews with writers and scholars including Eimear McBride, Paul Muldoon, John McCourt and Margaret O Callaghan, illuminative archive film and photographs, newly commissioned art works by Jess Tobin, Brian Lalor and Holly Pereira and a beautiful original score by Natasa Paulberg “100 Years of Ulysses” brings viewers on an enlightening journey into the heart of one of the most inspiring and influential novels and reveals how it remains as relevant today as it ever was.

Produced in collaboration with some of the greatest dancers and musicians of their age, this feature documentary, which took 7 years to produce, tells the extraordinary story of how Irish dance evolved from being the traditional dance of the Irish to become a hugely loved, global phenomenon.
As it celebrates the brilliance of the form, Steps of Freedom reveals how the way the Irish dance developed over centuries through encounters with many other cultures and ethnicities from Africa to America to Europe and Britain. Irish dance then is a global dance, shared and shaped by millions.
Steps of Freedom features original dance sequences filmed throughout Ireland and in the US, original music composed by Colm Mac An Iomaire and performances and contributions from living legends including Morgan Bullock, Cormac Begley, Rhiannon Giddens, Jean Butler, Leni Sloan, Dewitt Fleming, Edwina Guckian, the Gardiner brothers, Stephanie Keane, Siobhán Manson and Liam O Maonlaí.

This acclaimed, unflinching, multi-award winning documentary feature, narrated by Liam Neeson, and produced in collaboration with University College Cork, marks the 175th anniversary of the Great Irish famine of the 1840s.
Magan wrote, produced and directed the project which draws together the most recent research on the famine of, which caused the deaths of 100,000 people in Europe and over a million people in Ireland and the emigration of 2 million people to the US, Canada, Britain and Australia between 1845 and 1855. The Hunger has reached audiences of millions having aired coast to coast in America on PBS, on RTÉ, across Europe on ARTE and in China on XiGua.

A Create One / Tyrone Production in Association with RTÉ, UCC
Cillian Murphy narrates this major 3-part documentary series charts the story of the Irish War of Independence. Winner of New Delhi Film Festival and Accolade Awards .

A CoCo Production in Association with RTÉ, BBC, APT, Notre Dame University
Liam Neeson narrates this major 3-part documentary series charts the story of the Irish rebellion of 1916. Winner of IFTA and Silver Sabre at World Military Film Festival

Produced by 360 Productions for Discovery Channel Heroes
This cutting-edge documentary repurposes original film footage shot during WW2 battles to generate an as live account of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and features the stunning actions of some of the soldiers who fought back during the attack. This documentary was the second most watched production on the channel in 2017.

A Tile Films production for BBC, TG4
A powerful drama-documentary revealing the true experiences of the soldiers who fought at the Battle of Waterloo. We were blessed to have been invited to film a major Waterloo re-enactment attended by 1000s of re-enactors with their guns, uniforms and cannon. We brought 6 cameras and a Steadicam and followed the battle inserting our own actors in the field. Gold Award, World Media Festival 2016

A Create One Production for RTÉ, Irish O Brien Foundation
Filmed in Papua New Guinea, South Sudan and the Amazon, this film seeks to find what motivates certain individuals to give their entire lives to the service of others. Winner of the World Religious Film Festival and Radharc Awards 2014

A Create One Production for TG4
My brother Manchán and I filmed these 34 documentaries in some of the most extraordinary places in the planet including China, the Middle East, north Africa and South America. We searched for the similarities among the humans everywhere and the bonds that we share in our histories and cultures.